5 February 2021 / Insurgency: Sandstorm
Discover Insurgency: Sandstorm with a free Steam weekend, 50% discount, and the free 1.9.1 Update for the Lunar Year
Insurgency: Sandstorm, the indie smash hit FPS from New World Interactive and Focus Home Interactive, welcomes players with a free-to-play weekend running until February 8, and 50% discount on Steam, letting new players dip into the blood pumping mayhem of the military shooter before immersing themselves entirely. At the same time, the game grows its arsenal of modern weaponry with two new free weapons available in the latest update.
Two new weapons accompany a free weekend on Steam!
Two new assault rifles hailing from China expand players’ choice of mid-range weaponry even more in the fast-paced FPS. The QTS-11 for Security and the QBZ-97 for Insurgents can be wielded by the Rifleman, Demolitionist, Commander, and Observer classes. With this update, players also enjoy a long list of balancing, fixes, and quality of life improvements.
With a 50% discount and a free weekend on Steam, there has never been a better time to jump into the teeth-rattling realistic warfare of Insurgency: Sandstorm.
Play the game for free on Steam now and get it at a 50% discount.