13 December 2016 / The Surge
The Surge: 4 minutes of gameplay of the upcoming action RPG from Deck 13
Have a nice day at CREO Industries!
Deck 13's new hardcore action-RPG The Surge today unveils a few minutes of unedited gameplay, showing the visceral, uncompromising combat, the limb-cutting system, and a few of the brutal enemies prowling the dysfunctional CREO Complex.
While some of the earlier enemies encountered while exploring the complex – namely, your former fellow workers – have erratic behavior and may be defeated easily if you are not reckless, others are much more 'combat-ready', and will hunt you down relentlessly.
Result of unspoken experiments, volatile prototypes built from secret nano-technology, or simply efficient death machines built for maintaining security in high-risk environments, these enemies leave no room for mistakes during combat. The slightest misstep, or moment of hesitation, will certainly mean death for you. However, these enemies wear some of the best equipment, weapons and implants you can claim for your own use. You'll have to decide if you wish to secure a victory, attacking their weak spots, or make your life a bit harder and aim for their armored parts, hoping to recover this precious equipment that will make you stronger, faster, tougher.
Balance the need for better equipment versus your own survival... but remember, you'll definitely need to power yourself up when you inevitably face the world's bosses, that will put your skill to the test!
Make the most of your exo-suit, armors, and almost limitless armament combinations to survive CREO when The Surge slices its way onto PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2017.