5 August 2015 / Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

Shiness takes us on a journey with its Gamescom 2015 Trailer

Shiness is an RPG developed by French independent studio Enigami. Through the passion and talent of the studio, Shiness already seduced a community with its successful Kickstarter campaign, and attracted attention from specialized press, thanks to its enthralling universe and an atypical, hyper-dynamic combat gameplay.

Studio Enigami needed support to finish the game and release it in the best conditions possible at the beginning of 2016. Focus, seduced by the project, answered favorably to the studio.

Cédric Lagarrigue, Managing Partner of Focus: 'Focus Home Interactive is working with international studios, but also naturally partners with French studios now renowned such as DontNod, Cyanide, Eugen Systems, Spiders Games, and more. Discovering and supporting new talented local studios, and helping them grow is something deeply anchored in Focus' DNA. Enigami is one of these young and passionate French studios Focus Home Interactive would love to see emerge in this very competitive industry.'

Today, we take the opportunity of the beginning of Gamescom 2015 to show more of the world, the characters and the gameplay of Shiness with its Gamescom Trailer:

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