17 May 2016 / Blood Bowl 2

Blood Bowl 2: the Mac version is now available on Steam

Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop's famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammerreleases its Mac version on Steam today. Players who already own the Steam PC version of the game can download this Mac version for free, while new players can get Blood Bowl 2 at 60% off during this week's Midweek Madness on Steam - May 17-20. Another bit of good news, Mac and PC players will be able to duke it out with each other during online multiplayer matches if they own a Steam version of Blood Bowl 2.

Mac players on Steam can also benefit from the Founders Incentive: players will receive the Undead, the Necromantic and the Nurgle teams for free, as long as they purchase the game before the races are released. The previous races are still available for purchase - they are available at up to 60% off during this Midweek Madness on Steam.

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